Tag Archives: River Horse

49 beers in 4 hours!

7 Sep

49 Beers in 4 hours!

Clearly I didn’t drink 49 FULL beers in four hours; otherwise this post would likely be about an arrest, a serious injury, or a stomach pumping!

On Friday night I went up to the Park Ave Armory for the opening night session of the 7th annual Great World Beer Festival!  45 brewers were represented and it was totally amazing!  I had never been to the armory before and if you haven’t either I suggest finding an excuse to go, because it’s a really cool mess of contrasts!  You walk in and the entrance is seriously old school… there’s a gorgeous huge staircase leading upstairs and chandeliers and dark wood everywhere, and it really is just gorgeous.  Then, you go into the area where the event is, and it’s basically like a big airplane hanger!  Big, open, empty and totally beat up.  There seem to be some sort of bleacher seats up above at one end, but other than that it’s just this great big domed-ceiling open space!

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