Tag Archives: Port Brewing

Cali, Part 2 – The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing Co

9 Dec

After my visit to Green Flash Brewing Co, I hit the road and headed up to San Marcos, CA to -hopefully- visit The Lost Abbey and Port Brewing Companies.  I say ‘hopefully’, because technically their tasting room didn’t open until 4pm on a Friday, and I had to be back in Long Beach by 4:30pm (and it’s 1.5 hours North!).  So, I pulled up and poked my head in… and as luck would have it, Danielle was manning the tasting room because there was a group that had scheduled a tour… but never showed up… their loss was my gain, big time!  Danielle was a rockstar, and Nate was kind enough to give me a walk-around of the facility!


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